Is This the Kenya We Want?
Surely, what has become of my beloved country? Has she degenerated into a country of sheer crime and impunity? Has she lost all value and regard for morality and our good African socialism? Has taking the life of a fellow human being become such a simple act? What happened to the respect for each other as humans? To answer these questions, I will begin from where I stopped last week: that society produces what it has. If this premise is anything to go by, then the Kenyan populace is squarely to blame. But is this really the case? A political analogy first: once there was a philosopher by the name John Locke. He sought to explain the origin of government. In this undertaking, he came up with the Social Contract Theory. In it he begins by explaining the nature of the pre-political state. This state was characterized by “peace, goodwill, mutual assistance and preservation. Men were free and equal. They were also subject to the vague law of nature; that is they enjoyed ...